Thursday, January 11, 2007

To Frog or Not to Frog (or... "I love the sound of rip-it in the morning")

...exactly how large is too large for the instep of a sock?

To begin at the beginning. I began knitting this sock (a currently lonely and somewhat stunted in mid-growth sock) with a great pattern for the cuff and leg. In fact, so great a pattern that it is my third pair (so to speak) in this particular pattern.

Sigh, all goes according to plan until.... switching to a smaller size needle set for the heel flap and foot, still with me? I merrily knit along, I've done this before - you know, until I have turned the heel, started on the decreases, and then, decide to try the sock on so I can admire its socky loveliness!

Did I mention, SIGH... half a inch to wide!!! The yarn is obviously *now* slightly thicker than the previous yarn used for this pattern!!! *Grumble*, *head desk*, *bad word*. Consider artfully placed decreases, calculate said decreases, stare at sock, eat chocolate, drink wine, drink good tea..... SIGH Voice of REASON still prevails..... Rip-it Rip-it.... I still have a nice (if somewhat lonely) cuff!

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